Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Congress has recently taken an even stronger stance in the steroids. Im sure that interests some of you. But honestly, I could no care less. I understand how people can be concerned with each other, but I honestly feel that those people are making their own mistakes.....let them! If Jose Canseco wants to die an early and shriveled death...why should I care. Why should Congress care?! There are many more pressing matters in the united states than drugs in a sport. I would rather Congress discuss drug usage as a whole than drag in grown men to sit them down and reprimand them for grown decisions. A teenage player taking Human Growth Hormone (HGH) or anabolic steroids, or any performance enhancing drugs is a problem. A problem that Congress needs to deal with. If Andy Pettite decides that he needs to take HGH as a way to cut down on injury time, and is willing to risk his future to do so. Then why not let him? Steroid use in teens can easily be avoided by....guess what....PARENTING. Making your kids aware that drugs in whole are bad, is something that parents are supposed to do. If you fear your son or daughter is addicted to drugs, look for symptoms. Symptoms are there for a reason, to help warn of the onset of a serious problem or to set of alarms of an already serious problem. Talking to your child and simple signs can avoid big problems in the future. Asking Congress to control how the media raises your child is just stupid. Parenting isn't an easy job and it's time people stopped blaming others and started to control their kids.

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