Sunday, June 29, 2008

What are people thinking?!

This week's update is kind of sad in a way...

Police in Sacramento have been nabbing child prostitues for nearly two years using to catch teens offering up sex. Most of the girls caught have been released to group homes or foster homes.

One fourteen year old girl who was interviewed said she had started selling herself at eleven years of age. She claimed that she "was lonely" and "wanted to feel loved".

What is wrong with these young women...There is little to no self-respect involved in prostitution, especially the ones who just "want to feel loved". Prostitution is a harsh reality, anyone who would willingly choose to be a prostitute is out of their mind.

Eating a buffet with Buffett

Last Friday the most expensive charity eBay auction closed at $2.1 million dollars. The gift??? Lunch with financial genius, and currently the world's richest man, Warren Buffett. The winning bidder was an investment fund based in Hong Kong, the Pureheart China Growth Investment Fund. The sole winner was Zhao Danyang, who will dine with Mr. Buffett in New York City, at each of the other's earliest convenience. Last year's winners had their dinner with Mr. Buffett, just last Wednesday, so it might be awhile. For those of you who do not understand who Mr. Buffett is or why he is so influential, he is the richest man in the world, and is currently chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. an invenstment group that owns sixty subsidiaries including insurance, candy, clothing and jewelry companies, and even has major stock in Coca-Cola, Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co. Basically Mr. Buffett is in the business of money making money, and is the best at it. And for a young upstart investment company in the fastest growing market in the world, his insight and guidance is invaluable. Congratulations to Mr. Danyang and his seven lucky guests.Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Mr. Warren Buffet

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Shaquille Loses His Mind

I'm not sure how I feel about this. Just because he talked about his divorce and vasectomy. And the line "Kobe tell me how my ass taste" is just crude lol.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Cinematography is Amazing...

I'm not going to bore's the trailer.

This movie was shot by a man named Tarsem, his work is just amazing...I can't wait to see this.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Boston Celtics

Congratulations to my most respected basketball player, Kevin Garnett, 2008 NBA World Champion.

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No one in the NBA deserved the title more than Mr. Garnett. He has worked so hard his entire career to win the title the right way, and now along with his Defensive Player of the Year award he is an NBA World Champion.

Hats off, to Mr. Pierce as well, NBA Finals MVP

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No one is more deserving of this award on the Celtics than he is. He has stuck with the team through numerous ups and downs. I am proud of him as I am the rest of the Celtics

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What are people thinking?!

Ive decided to start a new weekly segment called what are people thinking...

This weeks target...

Rapper Tech N9ne.

Tech N9ne has been a semi-underground rapper for awhile. He has had more success in scoring movies and TV shows than with actually rapping, but nonetheless he is making money honestly. That being said Tech N9ne is releasing a new album called Killer, its a 2 CD set and the only reason I am going to give it a chance is because of his CD cover.

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What is this fool thinking with this cover LOL! He looks like a damn idiot and I really wish he wouldn't degrade himself like this. First, he is no Michael Jackson. Second, his album will be no Thriller. Thirdly, this idea sucks LOL. I really don't understand what people think when they do things like this. Hopefully the album doesn't suck too.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My favorite commercial right now...

Sorry I've gone video crazy but tell me this one isn't ill.

Lil Jon Sighting from 1998!!!

If you watch this video, at about 31 seconds you will see a man in a blue shirt hand another man a boombox...the guy in the blue shirt is...hahahaha you guessed it.

Nike Commercial

The new Nike "Take it to the Next Level" Commercial. Pretty ill concept.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back For The First Time

Alot has happened since I have last posted. But thats okay, that only makes this all the more interesting. Now what are the top three events of the last few months?
  1. Obama wins the Democratic Bid
  2. Tha Carter III drops
  3. The Nas and DJ Green Lantern NIGGER tapes
1. Barack Obama is now going to go head-to-head with John McCain for the 2008 Presidential spot. Personally, either way I am well-off Barack is a good choice because he will bring about change and show the world that America is turning for the better. And becoming a more tolerant, unified, and open-minded nation. John McCain is going to turn around the economy, and by that I mean that he will be in office when it happens lol. The economy is a living breathing system, that has it's ups and downs. Granted "Dubya" could have done alot more, but how much do you expect from him, really?

2. Tha Carter III...I dont think much else needs to be said other than that. I do not care what genre of music you have heard the carter III or at least "Lollipop". This is easily, one of the top ten albums, artistically, of the last five years. He moved 423,000 units his first day out!!! Thats three percent less than Kanye West did his first day, and he moved 965,000 units for the whole week. Tha Carter III is going to be looked at, as a landmark album in Lil Wayne's career. I know people are tired of hearing him, and saying he's getting annoying, but even if you dont like his more recent features (his verse on "Girls Around the World" was type wack) Tha Carter III has a whole different feel to it. Let me put it this way, I got Tha Carter III on June 1st, via downloading, and I STILL went out and bought the album even after playing it continuously for nine days before it came out...Let's see Terminate On Sight do that.

3. Nas and the NIGGER tapes. Let me start off by saying that I hate the word nigger. Its demeaning and belittling and I dont like it at all. But with these tapes...Nas made me feel as if Nigger meant more than just another black person. His video for "Be A Nigger Too" was so moving. (link posted later) He also has a song called "Black President" where he samples a speech from Barack Obama and a famous 2pac lyric, "Although it seems heaven sent, we ain't ready for a black president." And he raps about racism and all of it's ugly heads and shapes and sizes. He also has a song called "Hero" ft. Keri Hilson and produced by Polow Da Don where he raps about himself being a hero for the black community "So in God's Son we trust/Cuz they know Imma give them what they want/I guess they looking for a Hero". As funny as it may seem, music speaks to me, but I rarely listen to it, unless it is RnB. These songs are powerful though. They motivate and speak to a whole culture who are indeed looking for a hero, and who better than God's Son?

Nas- Be A Nigger Too Video