Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Excuse the rant.

Everything you do you should love. If you live life so that you expect things from others or owe things to others, you will never be you. Every favor I've ever done or everytime I have ever gone out of my way it has been out of love for that person and our relationship. That way if me and the person are not friends in the end, I can't say I did that for you because I did it for us, and that's not a problem. Things dont always work out, but that's how life goes, not everyone can like everyone. It wasn't true in kindergarten when things were simple and it isn't true now. Go on about your own business and define your own goals and morals. After all, it is YOUR life.


Lucky Peters said...

Damn Thr33stacks that pretty deep man. I dont know waht someone did to you but i hope you forgive'em. Plus in our society every must be accounted for because the system of economic and employment change its all about favors. I strongly believe in favors for favors because it keep a connection and a striving thought that will keep that peron connected to you no matter your relationship with that person.

MIGS22 said...
