Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sunday Night Work Release Program

Stupidity is defined as the act of being tediously dull, especially due to lack of meaning or sense. Not often a trait one would list on a resume, there is however an agency hiring for people who exhibit stupidity on the daily basis and not only stupidity. But a basic lack or disregard for rules and manners, an undue sense of bravado and a hunger for attention will also get you far in this company.

Who is the employer you ask? The NFL.
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It is becoming clearer to me that you're more than able to work in the NFL if you've been jailed, as long as it's Not For Life.

Brandon Marshall
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Over his career Brandon Marshall has been maligned with cases of domestic disputes. His longtime girlfriend, Michi Nogami-Campbell, even has picture images and neighbor testimony that Mr. Marshall has gone as far to have stabbed her in the leg this stemming from a long history of public embarrassment and private beatings. This does not seem like an NFL matter at least on the surface. Ms. Nogami-Campbell recently went public on ESPN saying that while he was with the Broncos, an adviser from the team told her to drop charges she had pressed against the receiver because it was bad for league, team and personal image. This is another blog, for another time. But you see that the NFL is keeping the money where it wants it. Losing their number 1 receiver would hurt the Broncos deeply, but a woman's self-respect...who did that ever hurt?

Donte Stallworth
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The New Orleans Saints receiver recently plead guilty to a DUI and manslaughter charge. While driving drunk one night, Mr. Stallworth crashed his automobile into 59-year old crane operator Mario Reyes. He was sentenced to THIRTY DAYS in prison, then eight years of probation and two years of house arrest. While on house arrest he may be allowed to play football again, if the NFL allows it. The family settled for an undisclosed amount out of court, and also demanded that his license be suspended for life. Seeing as there is no large organization or even family support to back a decision against Mr. Stallworth's re-reinstatement, expect to see him celebrating touchdowns before showing any remorse.

I am getting tired of all the legal-sympathy awarded to NFL athletes. The Cincinnati Bengals have had more players in jail than in the Pro Bowl all-star game the past three years. John Madden was famous for bailing players out on Friday night just so they could make their Sunday games. Ravens players have long since been above the law, just ask a Lewis, Ray or Jamal.

Kids need role models, that is a proven fact. To this day I still look up to people who have accomplished what I have wanted. I understand that football is a business, but isn't keeping that fourteen-year old high school recruit out of jail, allowing him to go to college and develop into an All-American and then enter the league and dominate, better than allowing him to get strong in the jail yard and hope he changes down the line? But maybe, I've got it all wrong.

1 comment:

All In said...

dope blog ;) i would be a follwer but im not smart enoug to figure it out