Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Third Wheel

No one likes to be the third wheel. What's more awkward than feeling the tension building between the couple next to you. Especially in a group of young adults, where the fact that they CAN'T have sex at that moment, makes them want to have sex even more! So that tension grows and you're left there laughing too long at silly jokes, just to avoid the awkward silences that double the dreaded tension. Then of course, you think of who you can call over, but you know there's no one else. Everyone's been there at least once, let's try not to go back.

I found some pictures for those of you who are oblivious and cannot tell a third wheel situation.
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As you can see, there is a noted space and comfort level problem when a third wheel is present. Even the "god-like" Kanye West can't help but lean forward, tell a joke or two and play nervously with his overpriced hat.

Third Wheel is a virus, don't fall ill.

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