Thursday, July 17, 2008

Chasing Laura

I was on facebook and reading a note of my friend Larry, and he brought up an interesting point I wanted to expand on.

In the popular show Family Matters, Steve Urkel chased Laura Winslow from Day 1 until the end. The nerd Urkel was never good enough for Laura, but in season 4 he found love in the form of faithful girlfriend Myra Monkhouse (i wikipedia'd the name Im not THAT big a geek LOL). Myra loved Steve as is, top to bottom, and like most foolish human beings, he took her caring for granted and never truly valued her. He even went as far as to create a machine to turn him into the suave and debonair Stefan. Then and only then did Laura appreciate Steve, when he was no longer himself, but a person who she wanted him to be. This brings up two interesting points. The first is that Steve was so stricken with tunnel-vision that he ignored Myra (who, let's be honest, looks better than Laura anyway) completely and still chased Laura. He even went as far as to restructure his DNA to be with her! The second point is that Laura, was so blinded by Steve's outward appearance and dorky nature, to even see that underneath was a guy willing to do anything in the world for her. A guy who would stand by her no matter what. Only when he was the cool, and mature man Stefan who was no longer as interested in her as Steve was, was Laura willing to fall in love with him.

This situation is not uncommon, there are Myras Urkels and Laura's out there right now reading this, my only advice to you is to step back and view the whole picture. There are few things better than a person who truly makes you better and makes you want to be more. And that is not something that you should ever pass up on.

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