Friday, July 18, 2008

What are people thinking?!

Back again although a little later than planned. Oops!

Barack Obama sparks an assault case.
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A 25 year old New York City graduate was assaulted by four teenage girls for wearing the above shirt (which cost $69), made by Israeli-born designer, Doron Braunshtein. She says that the girls surrounded her and started toy yell at her, and even pulle dout her earphones and spit in her face. The deisgner claims that he neither responsible for the lewd acts, nor is he concerned with Obama's race but rather is designing shirts that represent the views of ordinary WASPs. He was quoted as saying "For a lot of people, when they see Obama, they see a slave. People think America is not ready for a black president." He continued to say that Obama "reminds [him] of Adolf Hitler" and does not like him because he is Muslim, which is a rumor that has followed Senator Obama for the entire campaign. It looks like New York City is just a little bitter of the loss suffered by Senator Clinton. But at least they're keeping it tasteful, thanks New Yorker.

Obama New Yorker Cover:
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