Thursday, December 25, 2008

Goodbye 2008. Inspiration for 2009.

It's time for 2009, it's time to make the most of your dreams and leave behind all doubts that you can't make it. Too many artists, business men, actors, and all-around dreamers fall by the wayside simply because they do not try hard enough. Strive for the best and once you get there, go even further, because not even your wildest dreams will show you what it's like to be on top of the world.

It's time to leave behind all of your detractors. 2009 is the year of self, focus on yourself and the friends, accolades, and good times will be right around the corner, please do not let yourself fail, I would love you to succeed right along with me.

That being said I want to share a quote with you from one of the few men that I actually look up to.

"I was always out to get everything that was owed to me, not a dime more. I would like for everyone else to go and get theirs too, that's why I do not want a dime over what's mine, but obviously the world owes us alot."
-Sean Carter

I put Sean Carter because I look up to him as a business man, he just happens to be a great rapper as well.

Live your lifetime don't just live the days.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My Weekly Wife

I want you to meet my wife for the week.

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Memory Lane

I just want to see how many people remember random things about our (late 80's babies) childhood.

Yes, that's Howie Mandell, the current host of Deal or No Deal.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

NaLedge from Kidz in the Hall

Best freestlye of 08

Blocks on the Block

Architecture is one of the finest form's of expression.

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This is a picture of Abercrombie Lane in Syndey, Austrailia. Awesome, right?

Reebok Messenger Pack Summer 2009

I hope these come in a size 17 or 18.

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Fred Hart

A student at Arizone State University creaqted albumartwork for all the Kanye West songs on 808's and Heartbreak

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I will upload the rest later, but sit back and enjoy those few for now.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Nicole Buffett

Not to be confused with Jimmy, Nicole Buffett is the grand-daughter of the most intelligent financial mind of all time, Warren Buffett. Warren Buffett is the world's richest man at a whopping $65 Billion dollar estimated value. A value that compounds daily. You would think that money liek that would trickle down quickly to Nicole, but you should think again. Nicole Buffett is the adopted grand-daughter of the billionaire, and was cut off two years ago after appearing in a documentary alongside Johnson and Johnson heir, Jamie Johnson, talking about the seperation between the poor and the rich of the nation.

Because of her brass and willingness to speak on the usually disconcerned family's fortune and lifestyle, Mr. Buffett sent Nicole a letter which read,

"People will react to you based on that 'fact' rather than who you are or what you have accomplished." He punctuated the letter by declaring, "I have not emotionally or legally adopted you as a grandchild, nor have the rest of my family adopted you as a niece or a cousin." Nicole was devastated. "He signed the letter 'Warren,'" she says. "I have a card from him just a year earlier that's signed 'Grandpa.'" (Marie Clarie magazine)

Those are powerful words for a self-proclaimed philanthropist, who has left his grand-daughter to fend for herself on 40,000 a year and no health insurance, which is better standards than most people, but how many of those people are indeed a Buffett?

"Racism still alive, they just be concealin' it"

Gene Chizik was recently announced as the Auburn head coach this past week. Mr. Chizik was 5-19 in two years at Iowa State and was clear choice for the position at Auburn University, or so thought the Board of Trustees.

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Coach Chizik

Mr. Chizik was brought on to replace Coach Tommy Tuberville, who was a Auburn football icon, and resigned end of the season. The Auburn staff then went on a ten-day search for a new head coach which many felt would be Buffalo University's Turner Gill.

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Coach Turner Gill

I was watching ESPN Outside the Lines and I saw football writer Mark Schlabach claim that he spoke with two other SEC football coaches and the consensus was that Turner Gill was passed over, not only because he is black, but because he is married to a white woman.

Charles Barkley weighed in saying that this is the second time in a row that his alumnus has chosen a less than proven white coach over a black candidate. In 2004, the school chose unheard of Jeff Lebo to coach the basketball team. Mr. Lebo was the only candidate among four who hadn't been to the NCAA Tournament. The other three candidates? Black head coaches, Mike Davis, Jeff Capel, and Mike Anderson. The three black candidates were chosen by then committee member, Mr. Charles Barkley, but he says he was removed from the committee because he only wanted to participate if the school was ready to choose a black head coach.

Clearly Auburn is looking towards a new future of all-white athletes, how can they expect any black athletes to go to their school now? Living in Alabama for a few months I have already seen how racist the area is, and this just reaffirms my suspicions. Times are changing, but some people don't wan to get on board, I guess you can't save everyone's soul.

"Racism is birthed in the hearts of the ignorant, and lives in the minds of the weak."

XMen Origins: Wolverine

What else needs to be said?!

Kanye's Klearly KooKoo

Kanye West is building a cult. He has a following of people who he is leading to victory or destruction. The world has not seen someone so influential towards people's lives since Jim Jones (not the Harlem rapper, get your history up). But enjoy this video of Kanye letting some fan know how he feels about them, it's pretty funny.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Semi-Talented Athletes.

When I was younger I dreamed of being a star athlete and winning the super bowl for my team. I wanted the fame, fortune, and confidence that comes with being the best. But having gained some life experience, I've realized that even better than being the star athlete is being the average athlete. No one blames you for the loss, but you can always be the hero. You get paid six-figure salaries, to do less work than the star athletes do. Bench players in baseball, especially for the yankees, make well over one million dollars a year before taxes. I could buy alot of what I wanted with intuition and budgeting, and not have to exert myself like a fool. Kudos to the 8th man on the basketball team, the 3rd reliever in the bullpen, and the 3rd string QB, you've done one better than inventing the new post-it note. You've beaten the system entirely.

Black Renaissance

There's another Renaissance happening now, and there are a few leaders who I respect enough to mention and in some cases introduce.

1. Sean "Jay-Z" Carter
Born December 4th, 1969 in Brooklyn, NY. Sean Carter was born with little chance to succeed, but everyone who knows rap (and even some people who don't) are familiar with this story. The story that I prefer is the one of the past seven years, where Mr. Carter left behind his Jay-Z moniker, for the most part, to pursue the business world and eventually take over. Over the past seven years Mr. Carter has provided inspiration for many, by living the perfect american dream. With an estimated worth just above $540 million and ventures in record labels, clothing, liquors, hotels, and even an NBA Team. The status that Jay-Z has reached is only but a dream to the better part of the population, but he is proof that when you work hard and are steadfast in you goals that you will be everything you dream to be.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Black Inspiration

I am starting a new segment called Black Inspiration because I need some and I feel that other people do too. I enjoy prints by Henry Ossawa Tanner alot, he has alot of famous works, some that you will recognize and others that you will grow to love and appreciate.

"The Thankful Poor" 1894
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"The Banjo Lesson" 1893
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