Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Semi-Talented Athletes.

When I was younger I dreamed of being a star athlete and winning the super bowl for my team. I wanted the fame, fortune, and confidence that comes with being the best. But having gained some life experience, I've realized that even better than being the star athlete is being the average athlete. No one blames you for the loss, but you can always be the hero. You get paid six-figure salaries, to do less work than the star athletes do. Bench players in baseball, especially for the yankees, make well over one million dollars a year before taxes. I could buy alot of what I wanted with intuition and budgeting, and not have to exert myself like a fool. Kudos to the 8th man on the basketball team, the 3rd reliever in the bullpen, and the 3rd string QB, you've done one better than inventing the new post-it note. You've beaten the system entirely.

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