Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Black Renaissance

There's another Renaissance happening now, and there are a few leaders who I respect enough to mention and in some cases introduce.

1. Sean "Jay-Z" Carter
Born December 4th, 1969 in Brooklyn, NY. Sean Carter was born with little chance to succeed, but everyone who knows rap (and even some people who don't) are familiar with this story. The story that I prefer is the one of the past seven years, where Mr. Carter left behind his Jay-Z moniker, for the most part, to pursue the business world and eventually take over. Over the past seven years Mr. Carter has provided inspiration for many, by living the perfect american dream. With an estimated worth just above $540 million and ventures in record labels, clothing, liquors, hotels, and even an NBA Team. The status that Jay-Z has reached is only but a dream to the better part of the population, but he is proof that when you work hard and are steadfast in you goals that you will be everything you dream to be.

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