Thursday, December 25, 2008

Goodbye 2008. Inspiration for 2009.

It's time for 2009, it's time to make the most of your dreams and leave behind all doubts that you can't make it. Too many artists, business men, actors, and all-around dreamers fall by the wayside simply because they do not try hard enough. Strive for the best and once you get there, go even further, because not even your wildest dreams will show you what it's like to be on top of the world.

It's time to leave behind all of your detractors. 2009 is the year of self, focus on yourself and the friends, accolades, and good times will be right around the corner, please do not let yourself fail, I would love you to succeed right along with me.

That being said I want to share a quote with you from one of the few men that I actually look up to.

"I was always out to get everything that was owed to me, not a dime more. I would like for everyone else to go and get theirs too, that's why I do not want a dime over what's mine, but obviously the world owes us alot."
-Sean Carter

I put Sean Carter because I look up to him as a business man, he just happens to be a great rapper as well.

Live your lifetime don't just live the days.

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